Thank you for the presence and participation in the Closing Ceremony of the 30th edition of the Magister Lvcentinvs.

From Magister Lvcentinus, we would like to thank the different authorities who honoured us with their participation and support at the Closing Ceremony.

Today, we would like to remember other participants of this great event at the EUIPO: the students of the 30th graduating class of Magister Lvcentinus. We are obliged to recognise and congratulate this excellent graduating class. We are sure that their success in completing the Masters Degree will allow them to address great challenges in the world of Intellectual Property and Digital Innovation.

We are also grateful for the great help offered by the godmother of this Class 30: Carolina Pina Sánchez, former student of the University of Alicante, Scientific Coordinator of the Magister Lvcentinvs, and Corresponsible of the IP and Media Area of Garrigues. We would like to thank Carolina for her dedication to education in Intellectual Property following values and principles that will help students their whole life. Once again Carolina THANK YOU! Thank you, Carolina, for this invaluable support to youth.